June SHowcase

“Pop icons”

Delaware Dance Company’s June Showcase 2025

Sunday, June 15, 2025 at 1:00 PM & 4:00 PM
Mitchell Hall, Newark Delaware

To see initial parent information, click here.

To see the classes in each concert, click here.

Important Information for “POP ICONS”
Dress Rehearsals on Friday, June 13th and Saturday, June 14th

For the Dress Rehearsals:

Please have your dancer arrive at Mitchell Hall at least 30 minutes before the scheduled time to finish getting ready.  Dancers should have hair and make-up ready and wear their uniform leotard and tights under street clothing.  Dance shoes should be brought in a bag to be put on at the theatre. The instructors will have additional costumes ready for dancers to put on after they arrive. Everyone MUST enter the building at the side door at the end of the handicap ramp.  DO NOT enter through the lobby. 

Dancers will meet with their teacher and classmates in the room at the bottom of the stairwell near the entrance except for the boys who will be taken to a different area to get ready.  Since the downstairs room is girls only, we ask that fathers do not go down to this room.  If you need assistance, we will have volunteers ready to escort and help with younger dancers.

Parents may enter the auditorium area through the doorway one flight down and watch their child's class rehearse. (On Sunday, this doorway may not be used for safety reasons.  After leaving your dancers with the instructors, all parents must exit the building and enter through the lobby to present their tickets for the performance.) 

After the dress rehearsal on stage, dancers will return to the downstairs room to take off their costume pieces and get ready to leave. Parents should meet their dancers in the downstairs room or ask for a volunteer to bring their dancers up to them.

For the Concerts on Sunday:

If your dancer performs in the first half of one of the concerts, please be sure to arrive at least 30 minutes before the start time of the concert.  Enter through the stage door to bring your dancer to find their instructor and class, then exit through that door and enter through the lobby to present your tickets and find your seats. If your dancer only performs in the first half of the concert, at intermission you should leave through the lobby and come back through the stage door to retrieve your child.  You may then take your dancer out to watch the second half of the performance with you.

If your dancer performs only in the second half of one of the concerts, have your dancer watch the first half with you in the audience then, at intermission, take your dancer out and around to the stage door and downstairs to get ready with their class.  Please have your dancer ready for the performance but with their shoes in a bag.  

If your dancer has two pieces in the same half of the concert, we will have volunteers to help them change. Parents remain in the auditorium and, for safety reasons, are only allowed downstairs at intermission, not while dancers are performing on stage.

Photography and recording of any kind are not allowed during the performance.  Please review our policy and make sure that your friends and relatives are aware of it.

Photo and Recording Policy

Dress Rehearsal Schedule and Performance Times

***Performance times are listed but NOT in actual performance order. Performance order to arrive soon !

Ticket Sales

Ticket sales for the POP ICONS concerts will begin April 15, 2025 at 9 am.  All tickets will be sold through Tututix.com. Click here to purchase tickets.  You do not need to purchase a ticket for your dancer.  Be sure to purchase tickets for the correct performance. 

Donor presales begin a week earlier.  Everyone who has donated $50 or more to DDC during the previous year will receive an email inviting them to purchase ticket before the general sales.

Purchasing Photos and Videos

Tom Pal Photography will be taking photos during the dance concerts. These photos will be available for purchase several weeks after the performance.  Check this website or w atch your email for the link to view and purchase photos.

O.K. Video will be recording all performances of Delaware Dance Company's Sunday, June 15th concerts.

NOTE: Each show video is sold separately.

Three video formats are available for purchase at the same price, delivered to the DDC studio: DVD, Blu-ray Disc, and MP4 file delivered on USB Flash Drive are all $40 per show. Optional direct mail to your home: +$6.

Click HERE to go to O.K. Video to purchase a recording of the concerts.

Directions & Parking


Mitchell Hall, University of Delaware

The address is 134 The Green, Newark Delaware 19716.

Parking is available in the Trabant University Center Parking Garage at the end of Main Street, at the Center for the Arts Garage on Amstel Avenue, and in metered spaces on Amstel and South College Avenue.

Other Information

Portions of Mitchell Hall are wheelchair accessible. To request disability accommodations, please contact office@delawaredancecompany.org.
